Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Making Money Online : An Introduction

In this day an age, to make a living, earn an income and get by the day, one is no longer compelled to step out of his house. Given that he has a computer, an internet connection and a good common sense and the eagerness to learn, he can simply work from home using online ventures.

There are many ways in which one can get a living. Today is just an overview of the ways where people can make a living off the internet. In a later posting, we will then discuss the different types of activities where people can make a living in depth.

1. Trading

Trading these days no longer require us to be present at site and have the stock ready at hand. With online trading, we can sell items to customers over the net without the need for huge stocks and overhead.

2. Stocks

With the stock market equivalent able online, if you have the time you can actually sit at home and monitor the stocks around you and buy and sell accodingly. This is an increasingly popular method for making money online.

3. Advertisements

A common method of making money online would be advertisements. For this, you would need to have your own blog or social networking account so people can park ads at your site. An examples is like churp2 here

4. Freelancing/Virtual Assistant

Being a virtual assistant/ freelancer would be able to get you some money too. Consistently. It's all up to you of how much of time you are willing to allocate. A popular example for freelancing is ODesk

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Apple stands in the way of Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

Techies worldwide have been anticipating the launch of the greatly publicized Samsung Galaxy tablet for months. Everyone knows that the Galaxy is Samsungs answer to Apples iPad. Since Samsung decided to venture into this market segment, rivalry between the two has been head on.

This week, rivalry between Samsung and Apple has taken another turn when Apple filed a petition for the Samsung Galaxy Tab launch in Australia to be delayed following another court battle between the two. This time, Apple is accusing Samsung Galaxy tablet 10.1 uses patented technology from Apple.

Bitter rivalry – Apple iPad is said to be copied in the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

On the other hand, Samsung is accusing Apple of twisting the facts.
To make the rivalry much more complicated, the two rivals are also good business partners. In fact Apple and Samsung has a $5 billion relationship where Apple buys chips from Samsung
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 was just launched in Europe and parts of Asia. For now, iPad is still at the helm of the market.
However, in the early stages of the rollout, it seems that Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is in a good position to surpass this. Hence, perhaps the reason why the big legal tussle worldwide

Tonton TV1 Malaysia Live Disini

Sesuai dilihat dalam internet explorer . Chrome tak jalan

Melancong ke Jepun dengan murah

Cakap pasal jepun ni, memang ramai budak2, mak budak, bapak budak dan lain2 memang berminat tentang jepun ni. Ada yang minat animenya, ada minat sushinya, dan ramai juga yang minat nak makan angin di jepun.

Tapi, masalahnya, nak pergi sana bukannya murah. Kan bagus kalau ada cara untukmelancong ke jepun dengan murah

Kat jepun tu macam2 yang boleh didapati bila makan angin disana contohnya macam

Pemandangan indah Mt Fuji dan pohon sakura

Bandar yang Ultra Moden!


Dan macam2 lagi.

Untuk melancong ke jepun dengan murah boleh la checkout my deals ni.

Banyak pakej2 dia yang boleh bantu untuk melancong ke jepun dengan murah

Pakar Memberi Amaran Tentang Emas

Ok... ini ceritanya, harga emas naik lagi, tapi penasihat kewangan dunia masih berpesan pada pelabur untuk berhati - hati dan tidak meletakkan terlalu banyak duit mereka dalam emas. Ini kerana terdapat risiko pelaburan emas.

Disebabkan pasaran saham yang sentiasa turun naik, ramai pelabur telah memilih emas kerana kononnya tiada risiko pelaburan emas. Pun begitu, risiko pelaburan emas ni sebenarnya timbul disebabkan kegilaan pelabur membeli emas dan menyangka tiada risiko pelaburan emas. Risiko pelaburan emas ini hadir dalam bentuk 'bubble'

Menurut sebuah bank yang menjaga aset orang2 kaya dunia, Wells Fargo Bank,mereka yakin bahawa tahap harga emas sekarang ni dah sampai ke tahap bubble. Disebabkan bubble ini, harga emas mungkin boleh turun dengan cepat dan tanpa disangka - sangka.

Pada tahun 2008, ada satu period 6 bulan ni, emas turun harganya sebanyak 30%. Pada tahun 1980 pula, harga emas menjunam 65%! ... Nah, sapa kata pelaburan emas selamat?

Jadi, sebelum melabur emas, ingatlah emas memang tengah naik gila - gila sekarang, tapi dengan risiko pelaburan emas yang saya ceritakan tadi, tak mustahil boleh menjunam

Kalau kita tengok, pada trend yang baru2 ni, harga emas di New
York jatuh 5% .. kejatuhan paling besar dalam masa 18 bulan. JAdi di sini, pelabur mula mengambil sikap hati - hati dalam melabur emas. Jadi, pada 23 Ogos, emas memecah harga rekod $1,917.90 tapi lepas tu, jatuh 5 peratus dalam masa 2 hari je

Bubble ni bukanlah satu yang asing dalam pelaburan ni. Kita dah pernah tengok housing bubble di USA sebelum ni. HArga rumah naik gila2. Dan2 je orang kumpul rumah, Zaaasss menjunam harga rumah.. Ramai yang jadi homeless.

Tech bubble pun ada juga...dulu2 handphone ni luxury.. sekarang dah jadi commodity biasa je. Begitu juga dengan hari raya bubble.

Hari raya bubble ni contohnya, kita beli 1000 packet kuih raya untuk jual pada harga RM25. Tiba2 bila pengumuman besok raya, habis menjunam harga jadi beli 2 percuma satu terus. Bubble la tu.

Jadi balik semula pada isu risiko pelaburan emas,emas ni bukan macam saham atau hartanah. Saham boleh dapat dividen. Rumah boleh dapat sewa. Emas? Macam mana nak buat duit? Orang yang melabur emas gila2 ni, banyak yang berharap harga akan naik dan akan ada orang yang beli darinya pada harga yang lebih tinggi. Ingat .. berharap.

Balik pada isu risiko pelaburan emas, kalau tengok graf dalam posting saya sebelum ini, selepas harga emas jatuh 65% pada Januari 1980, pelabur2 yang beli waktu harga rekod hanya dapat break even pada January 2008. Kiranya, jual 28 tahun kemudian, baru dapat balik nilai yang dibayar tu. Belum untung lagi ni!

28 tahun lagi, hidup ke dak yeh.... Jadi itulah, berhati2lah dengan risiko pelaburan emas ni..nanti saya update lagi tentang faktor2 yang boleh mempengaruhi risiko pelaburan emas.

Tambahan (31/8/2011)

Pertamanya, saya menghargai input dari pembaca.

Soalan: boleh share pakar mane yg memberi amaran ttg pelaburan emas ni ?

Jawapan: Saya masukkan beberapa sumber. Nantikan entry saya bertajuk Berapa Harga Emas Yang Baik?

Sumber 1: Erik Davidson, deputy chief investment officer for Wells Fargo Private Bank
"We believe that we have reached the point where we can confidently state that interest in gold investing has reached the level of a speculative bubble,"
But seriously, investors need to curb their enthusiasm, he said. Gold is not going to climb in perpetuity.
Rujuk sini

Sumber 2:

Gold has actually been rising gradually since the early years of the last decade, Kathleen Brooks, research director at, pointed out in a research note Wednesday.
"Even if gold has been in a current uptrend for the best part of 11 years, history tells us that trends in gold can persist for longer than this," she said. "Gold has been called a bubble for years; however, so far it hasn’t popped in any meaningful way."
Analysts at Mirae Asset in Hong Kong have cautioned that the precious metal is in a bubble that’s about to burst.
The World Gold Council, the industry body, predicted earlier this month that full-year demand for gold will increase.
"Gold is currently above its weekly, daily and even hourly moving averages, which suggests it is in overbought territory," said Brooks.
"However, the price keeps powering ahead towards $1,900… in such overbought territory we urge caution"

Monday, August 29, 2011

We Could Think Of A Hundred Reasons To Love It, But Here's TEN

campaign image  Klik Sini Untuk Lebih Info

What’s more, thanks to its high specs, like the super-fast 1 GHz Dual Core processor, endless data sharing capabilities and the fact that it’s running on the latest version of Android, 3.1 Honeycomb, makes surfing the web super smooth as well as editing and viewing Microsoft office documents an easy breezy job. You can also connect with your friends and family instantly through SNS services and download anything super-fast thanks to its advanced +HSPA connectivity!

In a world where people demand for faster, smoother, slimmer and more powerful devices with more possibilities on the go, the Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 is set to revolutionise your world! There’s no doubt that due to the tablet’s convenience, adaptability and mobility, it is here to stay.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has finally arrived and it’s out of this world. There are so many reasons to want it! The tablet is very mobile because it’s super light and thin (weighs the same as 1 cup of coffee and is as thin as a pencil!), and its battery lasts up to 9 hours!

Sakit Kaki? Lenguh? dapatkan deal spa yang hebat at #DevilishNails #MilkADeal


Klik Sini Untuk Pakej Promosi Urut Kaki Ni

What You'll Get

  • 1 hour 40 minutes Deluxe Spa Pedicure:
    • Relaxing lavender foot soak
    • Cut & shaping of nail
    • Cuticle exfoliation
    • Cuticle oil treatment
    • Remove hard skin
    • Aromatherapy foot scrub
    • Apply foot mask
    • Foot massage
    • Single O.P.I colouring


  • Only uses genuine O.P.I products
  • Choose a colour from 200 shades of O.P.I nail lacquer
  • Experienced & professional pedicurists


  • Redemption Period: 3 September 2011 - 3 November 2011
  • Unlimited Purchase & Unlimited Redemption per person
  • For men and women
  • Estimated Duration of Service: 1 hour 40 minutes
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday (11am - 8.30pm). Closed on Sunday
  • Redemption Hours: Same as Opening Hours, but not applicable for Public Holidays & the day before
  • At least 1 day prior appointment necessary. Please call: +604 641 0989 / +6012 268 3158. Last appointment at 7.30pm
  • How to redeem this deal:
    • 1) Buy this voucher
    • 2) Get your voucher in your account ie "My Stuff" on MilkADeal
    • 3) Make an appointment by calling +604 641 0989 / +6012 268 3158
    • 4) Visit Devilish Nail Salon and present your printed vouchers before session begins
    • 5) Enjoy!
  • See the rules that apply to all deals.
Wonderous Session for the Feet
The feet are probably the most hardworking part of the body and yet they receive the least attention. The feet walk around the world approximately four times in a person's lifetime and let's not forget the high heels, pointy toes and too many pair of bad shoes that people wear!
Instead of buying another torturous pair of shoes, give the feet some serious pampering of a Deluxe Spa Pedicure at Devilish Nail Salon for only RM39.60.